
Checkbot User Guide


Checkbot is a chatbot that lets you manage your tasks more easily!

Adding todos: todo

Todos are simple tasks that just require you to tick off the checklist.

Example usage: todo Mop floor

A todo with the name “Mop floor” will be created and added into the task list.

Example response:

I have added this task to the list:
[T] [ ] Mop floor
You have now 1 task in the list.

Adding deadlines: deadline

Deadlines are tasks that have a due date.

Example usage: deadline CS3230 Assignment 1 /by 18 Feb 2024

A deadline with the name “CS3230 Assignment 1” with the due date 18 Feb 2024 will be created and added to the task list.

Example response:

I have added this task to the list:
[D] [ ] CS3230 Assignment 1 (by: Feb 18 2024)
You have now 1 task in the list.

For date formatting, please refer here.

Adding events: event

Events are self-explanatory – they are events that have a start and end date.

Example usage: event JB trip /from 27 February 2024 /to 28 February 2024

An event with the name “JB trip” from 27 Feb - 28 Feb 2024 will be created and added to the task list.

Example response:

I have added this task to the list:
[E] [ ] JB trip (from: Feb 27 2024 to: Feb 28 2024)
You have now 1 task in the list.

Viewing your task list: list

You can simply display your task list by typing list as the command.

Example response:

Here is your todo list:
[T] [ ] CS2106 Tutorial
[D] [ ] CS3230 Assignment 1 (by: 18 Feb 2024)

Marking/Unmarking tasks: mark/unmark

Marking and unmarking tasks are as simple as typing mark or unmark followed by the task number.

Example usage 1: mark 2

This marks the second task in the list as completed.

Example response 1:

Good job! I have marked this task as completed:
[D] [X] CS3230 Assignment 1 (by: 18 Feb 2024)

Example usage 2: unmark 2

This marks the second task in the list as incomplete.

Example response 2:

Alright, I have marked this task as incomplete:
[D] [ ] CS3230 Assignment 1 (by: 18 Feb 2024)

Deleting tasks: delete

Similar to marking/unmarking your tasks, you are required to input a task number after the delete command.

Example usage: delete 1

Example response:

Alright, I deleted this task:
[T] [ ] CS2106 Tutorial
You have now 1 task in the list.

Finding tasks: find

The find command allows you to search for tasks by their names (case-insensitive).

Example usage 1: find cs

Example response 1:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
[T] [ ] CS2106 Tutorial
[D] [ ] CS3230 Assignment 1 (by: 18 Feb 2024)

Example usage 2: find tutorial

Example response 2:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
[T] [ ] CS2106 Tutorial

Opening the user guide: help

Typing help will open this page on your browser. You can also click on the message to open this page again. However, if that is unsupported by your system, a different message will show and clicking on it will instead copy this link into your clipboard.

Example usage: help

Example response 1:

Click here to open the user guide in your browser:

Example response 2:

Looks like I am unable to open the user guide in your browser. Click here to copy the link to your clipboard instead.

Quitting Checkbot: bye

Typing bye will just exit the program.


Q: Does Checkbot save my tasks? A: Yes, Checkbot saves your tasks into tasks.txt in the same folder as your checkbot.jar file. It updates the file whenever you make changes to your task list.

Q: Can I sync my tasks across devices? A: Unfortunately, cross device support is not supported at the moment. The only way of transferring tasks is if you transfer over tasks.txt to your other device.

Command summary

Command Usage
todo todo TASK NAME
e.g.todo CS2106 Tutorial
deadline deadline TASK NAME /by DATE
e.g. deadline CS3230 Assignment 1 /by 18/2/2024
event event TASK NAME /from DATE /to DATE
e.g. event JB trip /from 27/2/2024 /to 28/2/2024
mark mark INDEX
e.g.mark 1
unmark unmark INDEX
e.g.unmark 1
delete delete INDEX
e.g.delete 1
list list
find find SUBSTRING
e.g.find cs, find tutorial, find birthday
help help

Date formatting

For deadlines and events, the by, to and from argument recognizes if you typed a valid date in several formats. However, you are allowed to enter any text as the date if you wish to.

The following date formats are recognized: